Tropical Oats

Tropical Oats.jpeg

Overnight oats generic base 

-1/3 cup dry rolled oats 

-1/3 cup non fat plain Greek yogurt 

-1/3 cup milk of your choice 

(Add more or less milk to achieve desired consistency) 

*If you use steel cut oats they will not soften as easily as rolled oats and will remain somewhat chewy.

Tropical oats 

-generic base (I used mango kefir in place of yogurt but you don’t have to) 

-1 Tbsp shredded coconut 

-1 Tbsp chia seeds 

-1/2 cup diced pineapple, mango, and kiwi

Maple syrup to taste 


  1. Mix base ingredients together in a resealable container or bowl until combined.

  2. Stir in coconut, chia, and desired amount of maple syrup.

  3. Top with desired fruit, cover, and place in refrigerator overnight or at least 3 hours.

  4. This recipe makes 1 serving, but can be prepared in bulk to last through the week!

Elizabeth McNearbreakfast, summer